
Book 1: What To Offer If You Want To Charge $19.97, $47, $97, $197 Or $997 Per Order
Here’s a common mistake a lot of product creators make:
They build this beautiful package of products or create a course, and then they slap a price on it without even giving it much thought. And then they’re surprised when their conversions are poor or their refunds are high. In some cases, they’re leaving a lot of money on the table without even realizing it.
You’re going to learn absolutely everything you need to know about pricing your course or product package for maximum profit. And we’re going to start by looking at what your customers generally expect to get when they pay a variety of price points from $19.97 to $997.
Book 2: 5 Factors That Will Help You Determine The Perfect P.R.I.C.E. Point
Here’s the big question: how much should you charge for your course?
If you charge too little, you could be leaving a lot of money on the table. If you charge too much, your conversions may suffer or your refunds may soar. After all, you want to accomplish two important things that are directly affected by your price… achieve as much profit as possible for your business and assist as many people as possible with your products.
That’s why you’re going to want to use the following formula for picking the perfect P.R.I.C.E. point:
P – Product
R – Results
I – Income
C – Competitors
E – Extras
This book unpacks the formula and shows you how to put it to work for you!
Book 3: 2 Major Pitfalls Of Pricing To Avoid At All Costs
When it comes to pricing, there are two major mistakes you can easily make: under pricing and over pricing. Both of them can be detrimental to your business.
Sidebar: Let me share a simple, but staggering truth with you. Many people price themselves out of business by charging too little for their products. There simply isn’t enough volume for most people to make a sustainable living with the low-price, “Wal-Mart” model. At the $10 price point it would take 10,000 sales to generate six-figure revenue. For most people that is simply not a realistic option … and certainly couldn’t be sustained for the long-term. And that’s just the “under pricing” reality. What about “over pricing”? These are both big problems that destroy many sellers. That’s why this course will help you figure out where to land on price point so that you get sustainable orders.
And inside this book, you’ll find out what signs to look for in your business that might mean you’re making one of these two big mistakes. Then, we’ll address how to correct them!
Book 4: 5 Ways To Up Your Offer (Don’t Lower Prices… Add Value Instead!)
Boosting the value of your offer delivers a deluge of benefits to you, from bigger profits to happier customers. Question is, how do you do raise the value? The answer: you add the following items to your product in order to increase value:
- Creatives
- Coaching
- Community
- Case Studies
- Check Lists
And inside this book, you’ll find out exactly what these items are and how to quickly and easily use them to increase the value of your product.
Book 5: 7 Ways To Win More Customers By Handling Price Objections
Unless you’re selling your course dirt cheap (which you shouldn’t be), there’s going to be a percentage of your prospects who are going to object to the price. It’s the big barrier, right? This objection will come out in the following ways:
- It’s too expensive.
- I can’t afford it.
- That’s a lot of money when I’m not even sure it will work for me.
Inside this book you’ll discover seven ways to effortlessly handle these objections and get your prospects clicking on your “buy now” buttons because they are pleased with what you are offering at the price you are offering it.
Book 6: The 1 No Brainer Strategy That Directly Affects Your Bottom Line
Pssst …
Let me share a secret to creating more profitability with your pricing strategy. But first, let me share what is typical for most product sellers.
When a lot of business owners start considering their pricing strategy, they very narrowly focus on ONE price.
For example, if they’re selling a course, then they do their research and testing to see whether the course sells better at $67, $97 or some other price.
In other words, they’re looking for the most profitable price. But there’s another way to create more profitability with your pricing strategy: offer multiple price points.
You can’t do this randomly, or your sales will suffer. Instead, use the strategy outlined inside this exciting book, and you’ll make a whole more money every time someone takes advantage of your offer.
Book 7: 4 Ways To Justify Pricing Through Cost Comparisons So Your Customers “Get It”
Whether your price is high or low (important … I didn’t say TOO high or TOO low), you need to justify it to your prospects if you want to close the sale.
Example: What should you do if your price point is lower than your competition? What should you tell your prospects if your product is higher than your competition? Knowing how your price compares to other similiar products … and justifying that price … is key to getting orders. And that’s just one of the options unpacked in this book about using comparisons favorably for your business.
This book shows you four powerful ways to use comparisons to get your customers setting aside their pricing objections and clicking on your order button because they “get” why your price is what it is and agree that it is worth it.
Book 8: The Reason Why Customers Should Pay Your Asking Price
You’ve got a great offer. A prospect is hovering over your sales letter, taking it all in. They pause. They almost click the order button, but then they back out. They’re re-reading your sales letter as if searching for something.
What are they searching for? The answer…
They’re looking for a reason why they should pay what you’re asking.
They need a good, logical reason to buy.
Yes, people make a buying decision based on emotion, but we all need to justify it with logic. We should FEEL good about our buying decision and KNOW it was a worthwhile investment. You must show prospects why it’s a smart purchase for them so they are excited about what your product promises them (emotion) and believe their purchase is a good use of their money (logic).
And this book shows you how to give them what they’re looking for so you can start “achieving more profit while assisting more people.”
Book 9: 6 Simple Pricing Hacks To Help With Profitability
Inside this book, you’re going to discover six simple yet little-known pricing hacks to boost profitability. They may be simple, but don’t let that fool you – they’re also extremely powerful.
Sidebar: Just to be clear, the word “hack” means a strategy or technique that improves efficiency or productivity. It’s a good thing. ☺
If you’re looking to boost your bottom line with quick and easy tweaks, then check out this book. Most of them can be put to work for you in ten minutes or less … the tiny investment of your time can generate significant results over time.
Book 10: The Only Way To Optimize Your Pricing
When it comes to optimizing your pricing, you have two major goals:
- Maximize your profits.
- Make a difference in as many peoples’ lives as possible.
A good pricing strategy will help you accomplish both of these things. But there’s only ONE way to know for sure if you’ve optimized your pricing: you need to test it. And that’s exactly what you’ll find out how to do inside this profitable book.
Note: There is a testing mistake that many people make which is a total waste of time. Check out this book to learn what it is and avoid it.